The Other File, post #2

When I packed for vacation, I forgot to include my flip flops.  In the great scheme of things it’s no big deal since I seldom where flops anyway.  But my mother heard me mention it, so she went out on Memorial Day and bought me these:



What is the Other File? 

When Matt Groening created the Simpsons, he made everyone that famous yellow color so that no matter how viewers adjusted their sets the picture would never look quite normal.  That’s what the Other Files are like; when a post is just so Other Blogish that I can give it no better title or description than, well… other.

About Clark Bunch

Pastor (Unity Baptist) author (God is Near) husband, father, blogger, coffee enthusiast.
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3 Responses to The Other File, post #2

  1. Doraz says:

    Love those flip flops!
    Funny take on other!


  2. Tony says:

    NO BIG DEAL???? Are you nuts???? The whole world revolves around flip flops, (we call them thongs here in Tasmania) I couldn’t imagine life as we know it without my thongs. Thongs give meaning to life, Thongs give excitement to life, thongs are the life giving source of all existence…..
    I really like my thongs in case you hadn’t noticed 😀


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